
Affichage des articles du août, 2022

The Lord, the Word and the Sword

The Lord, the Word and the Sword   "Without the sword , you take away the choice Without the Word, there is no Voice Without the Lord, there is no Purpose" A Sage on the Quest of Truth                                                                                     I                                                The Attempt to the Victorious Life     "Perpetual attempt is the very secret of all success" , a well-to-do Nigerian aristocrat “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7   "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Matthew 7:13 * There is an anti- spiritual war right now in the world. Waging itself restlessly. The scoffers, the silencers, the mockers, the persecutors. To speak of War, Spirit and Lordship, our lordship in this war and His Lordship is already a declaration of war. We were

The Intercessor

The Intercessor  * (A Christic and Gnostic Trimestrial Issue) * August  2022  Edition  (limited) * 10 questions for an Apostle  1) How did you come to Christ and have a personal relationship with Him? 2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life? 3) How do you stay consistent in serving the kingdom and body of Christ ? 4) How ambitious would you be if you had to judge between 1 and 10 for the Kingdom? 5) Do you believe in Kingdom business, kingdom placements, and unions?  6) For you the perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible for a godly and Kingdom-ordained spouse is:....... 7) What is your definition of true doctrine? 8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes from whom you draw strength and inspiration? 9) To you, what is godly living and successful living as a Christian and Child of God ?' 10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God, what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as