The Intercessor

The Intercessor 


(A Christic and Gnostic Trimestrial Issue)


August  2022  Edition 



10 questions for an Apostle 

1) How did you come to Christ and have a personal relationship with Him?

2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

3) How do you stay consistent in serving the kingdom and body of Christ ?

4) How ambitious would you be if you had to judge between 1 and 10 for the Kingdom?

5) Do you believe in Kingdom business, kingdom placements, and unions? 

6) For you the perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible for a godly and Kingdom-ordained spouse is:.......

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes from whom you draw strength and inspiration?

9) To you, what is godly living and successful living as a Christian and Child of God ?'

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God, what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today, doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their God-appointed calling?


10 questions pour un apôtre

1) Comment êtes-vous venu à Christ  et avez-vous une relation personnelle avec lui?

2) Y avait-il une nette différence entre avant et après l'entrée de Christ dans votre vie ?

3) Comment restez-vous cohérent en servant le royaume et le corps de Christ ?

4) A quel point si vous deviez juger entre 1 et 10 êtes-vous ambitieux pour le Royaume ?

5) Croyez-vous aux affaires du Royaume, aux placements du Royaume, aux syndicats et unions sacrés  et consacrés par Dieu , le Très Haut ?

6) Pour vous , à la femme vertueuse de Proverbes 31 ,quel est l'équivalent masculin biblique qui la compléterait dans une union divinement décrétée et consacrée?

7) Quelle est votre définition de la vraie doctrine ?

8 ) Quels sont tes 3 héros bibliques dont tu tires et force et inspiration ?

9) Pour vous, qu'est-ce que la vie pieuse et réussie en tant que chrétien et enfant de Dieu ?

10) Étant un apôtre aussi astucieux et oint et un serviteur de Dieu très doué, que conseilleriez-vous aux grands de demain comme vous êtes grands aujourd'hui, faisant leurs premiers pas dans la foi ou dans le respect de leur vocation ?



Elder Isaac Carlson (1): 

5 Juillet  2022

1) comment êtes-vous venu à Christ ? et une relation personnelle avec lui?

J'pense que ma famille m'a beaucoup aidé avec leur exemple. Grâce à eux, j'ai lu les écritures et continue d'aller à l'église!

2) y avait-il une nette différence entre avant et après l'entrée de Christ dans votre vie ?

Oui, bien sûr, j'ai beaucoup d'espérance pour ma vie et après cette vie!

3) Comment restez-vous cohérent en servant le royaume et le corps de Christ ?

J'pense que les petites choses, ( aller à l'église, lire les écritures, prière )faisant une grande différence

4) A quel point si vous deviez juger entre 1 et 10 êtes-vous ambitieux pour le Royaume ?

J'ai hâte pour le Royaume de Dieu, alors, je dis 10

5) Croyez-vous aux affaires du Royaume, aux placements du Royaume, aux syndicats ?

Je crois que Dieu a établi une église sur la terre avec un prophète, douze apôtres, et les autres dirigeants!

7) Quelle est votre définition de la vraie doctrine ?

Les principes que nous guident dans nos vies qui viennent de Dieu

8 ) Quels sont tes 3 héros bibliques dont tu tires force et inspiration ?

J'aime bien Nehemiah, Roi David, et Daniel

9) Pour vous, qu'est-ce que la vie pieuse ? et réussie en tant que chrétien et enfant de Dieu ?

Si je suis les commandements de Dieu et j'essaie d'être comme Lui, je vais réussir.

10) Étant un apôtre aussi astucieux et oint et un serviteur de Dieu très doué, que conseilleriez-vous aux grands de demain comme vous êtes grands aujourd'hui, faisant leurs premiers pas dans la foi ou dans le respect de leur vocation ?

Je dis, prépares-toi pour faire le baptême par le repentir et lire les écritures, prier, et aller à l'église!


Elder David Dalton (2):

Lundi 18.7.22

1) how did you come to Christ ? and have a personal relationship with Him?

I grew up in a religious family where from an early age I learned the importance of studying the scriptures and praying and attending church. Over time I started doing these things for myself, and I started to learn who Christ is and what he has done for me. And I started to see his hand in my life and have his love and power help me in life. 

2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

I say that the biggest difference in knowing Christ is that I have had much more Joy and peace in my life. I have a refuge from the storms when life gets tough, and I have the strength to face my challenges. I also have more purpose to my life and an objective I'm working towards.

3) How do you stay consistent serving the kingdom and body of Christ ?

Keeping the small daily habits of prayer and scripture study. And through daily repentance. What I mean by that is I assess my day and maybe areas where I didn't exactly follow God. Then I strive my best to make plans for how I'm to do better the next day, whether that be cutting negative influences out of my life, or increasing the amount of time I spend doing good. 

4) How ambitious if you had to judge between 1 and 10 are you ambitious for the Kingdom ?

If I understand this question correctly, probably a 10. Returning to live with God again is my biggest goal in life. 

5) Do you believe in Kingdom business , kingdom placements , unions? 

Not sure I comprehend this question. If I had to guess, I believe that yes heaven is organized into different kingdoms or degrees. That means that we can each achieve the degree that we were able to follow the law of or live up to. 

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

Truths of God. Which are unchangeable and everlasting. For example the principles of Faith, repentance, Baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. 

8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes that you  draw strength and inspiration from ?

There's David, Jonah, and Moses. I feel I relate to each of these three and their stories. Seeing how they acted helps me to work through my problems. 

9) To you, what is godly living? and  successful living as a Christian and Child of God ?'

I feel we are always successful as children of God because he loves us all perfectly. If we just try our best (which means as little as turning to him even when we just keep making mistakes) we are living the gospel and seeking his help. I do believe that in order for us to grow, we have to be willing to apply what we learn in the scriptures and experience a positive change in attitude and behavior. But it's so easily possible if we turn to Christ and rely on his strength and support. 

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God , what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today , doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their calling ?

Now to be clear, I'm not an apostle but a disciple of Jesus Christ. And I'm not great. But my advice would be to seek the guidance of the spirit and follow the direction you receive. To trust the Lord even when you don't understand why. And to keep the commandments even if you are mocked and ridiculed for doing so. Dare to stand up for what you believe !


Lady Sion Nissi Beloved, a zealous servant of the Most High (3) 


1) How did you come to Christ? 

 I was a Catholic, I tested both the little Jesus in Mary’s hands and the one evangelist came door to door to preach the one who is no longer in the tomb but rose again and is coming back. My dad had a deadly accident on a road trip. I had no news of him so I prayed to one of them first. The little Jesus never answered for a week. The following week I prayed to the risen Jesus, and that very day I heard back from my dad that he was alive and well. That is how I knew one Jesus was fake and the other one answered prayers. He has always answered my prayers since then. I decided to follow him. And I got baptized by immersion because I no longer believed in catholic baptism. I confessed with the mouth that Jesus Christ died and rose again and is coming back for judgment and I received Jesus as my Lord and savior.

A personal relationship with Him?

 He is the truth, the way, and the life. I love God because he loved me first. My God my savior, the resurrected one.  Let his kingdom come. I am on earth to be a tool in his hands

 2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

3) How do you stay consistent in serving the Kingdom and body of Christ?

1. Stay focused on the reason why you are serving and who you are serving. Every time you realize that it is all about Him, the more you will be able to give him back the glory when he uses you. 

2. Take yourself out of the equation. It's all about the kingdom and the people that Jesus died for. Remember that we are tools only in his hands so simply do what he says and trust him with everything else! Be flexible and attentive to the season and timing.

3. Recharge back to the source through fellowship with God reading his words worshiping and waiting for the instructions for the next assignment

Before Christ came into my life I had no life, I knew I was going to hell, I did not know there was a way to salvation. I was having terrible encounters. I had so many talents that the enemy wanted to use me for his glory, but when I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I totally consecrated myself to him. The rest of my youth life served as a youth pastor, sharing the gospel with my talents, and winning souls to the kingdom of heaven. 

4) How ambitious if you had to judge between 1 and 10 are you ambitious for the Kingdom?

10 . I have plans and I hope to fulfill God's perfect plan as much as the Lord gives me the ability to share his will and word to the ends of the earth. Joshua 24:15 “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

5) Do you believe in Kingdom business, kingdom placements, and unions? 

I believe in Kingdom affairs.  I believe we are stewards of God's blessings and citizens of heaven. There are some rules and policies as diplomats of heaven here on earth. We should represent God accordingly. I believe that my gifts, talents, and wealth have been given to me for this purpose. 

6) I think we are missing question number 6. But I can use this section to urge us to do everything possible to live in peace with one another. Keep a pure heart, a grateful heart, a forgiving heart, a generous heart. 

6.5)For you the perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible for a godly and Kingdom ordained union is:

 The perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible for a godly and Kingdom ordained union is a woman who fears the Lord, is generous, has a compassionate heart, is rich in wisdom and grace, is able to provide for her family even in difficult times, she is respected by her society, and husband and that respects her husband and society.

A godly man should always seek to find a woman who has these qualities so that he can marry her in accordance with biblical principles

The perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible for a godly and Kingdom-ordained union is a man who is ready to die for his wife like Christ died for the church, a generous man, a man with a compassionate heart, a man that is rich in wisdom and ambition, a man that can provide for his family even in difficult times and who is able to lead them in the ways of the Lord.

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

The concept of doctrine can be controversial and misused. In addition, I personally pay attention to how it is used. I believe in the word, the truth, the way, and the life. We follow Christ as we are disciples of Christ. Walk like he walked. At the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. I believe in a relationship with God. I believe in the relationship with the word. Nothing outside the word is the word. I believe in simplicity. 

8)  Who are your three biblical heroes that you get strength and inspiration from?




(David) is bonus😊

9) To you, what is godly living? And to be successful as a Christian and Child of God?

To live in a way that people can see Jesus and God through us everyday. Love is the greatest. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life. Guarding your heart more than anything else. Living with integrity knowing that one day we'll account before the throne of judgment

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God , what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today , doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their calling ?

  • Spend a lot of time alone with God, that is how you hear him. Reading the word and worshiping.

  • Do not despise small beginnings.

1 Timothy 4:12 "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in purity." 

  • Never fear the enemy and never be afraid to follow God's instructions and God's voice . 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and of a sound mind"

I would suggest ONE meditated all of  2 Timothy. The chapters are filled with wisdom.

  • Jesus is more than a conqueror. He also gave us the wisdom to be prudent like serpents. 

1 Peter 5:8: "Be alert, and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour"

Understand how to control our flesh, soul, passions

1 Corinthians 10:23: "I have the right to do anything, but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do anything, but not everything is constructive"

To end, I love the book of proverbs that teaches me wisdom for my daily walk. In addition, the book of revelation is my second favorite. Isaiah is my go-to for ministry and strength.

May the peace of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you forever. Amen.


Brother Mario (4)

1) How did you come to Christ ? And a personal relationship with Him? 

Through darkness and thirst,.... thirst of Truth . Darkness of the limits of human knowledge

2) Was there a clear cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

Before fog, agitation , after , a certain clarity and logic I've never felt prior, still, remain hesitations but with the certainty :" GOD IS ALIVE THROUGH CHRIST. AND I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME"

3) How do you stay consistent serving the kingdom and body of Christ ?

"Lord , how do I honorably serve you for your project of life and peace on all  planes of conscience and sentience ?"

4) How ambitious if you had to judge between 1 and 10 are you ambitious for the Kingdom ?

Honestly 6, 7. And of that I am not sure . God knows best . 

5) Do you believe in Kingdom business , kingdom placements , unions? 

Absolutely. I believe godly appointed times before the very existence of Time....

6) For you the perfect complement as a Man to the Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible for a godly and Kingdom ordained spouse would be:

To me , the model of  the righteous and godly man and husband, as a counterpoint to the Proverbs 31 woman,  can be found in the figures of Joseph , earthly  father of Christ and all other Josephs , the Prime Minister of Egypt , Joseph who gave a burial tomb to the body of Christ but also Job and the biblical figure of the husband of Anna , mother of Prophet Samuel . But to be utterly ambitious , emulate Hamaschiach. For if he was a husband one must believe he would have been the epitome of husbandry. 

Essentially a man who like King David was a man after God's heart and has the fear of the Lord , providing for his family , the Royal priest of his house , a righteous leader , though flawed as we all are to the eyes of all, is an exemplary man . Provider, protector , tender to his wife, children and friends and neighbors. One can also imagine Moses, the Great prophet , that was known as meek to all . He embodies all characteristics of a Godly man and a fair companion in the covenant of marriage, a kingdom ordainment. 

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

We are beings of freedom and free will. Mind your business. Thrive and let thrive. Love and let love, live and let live. Kindness is the way.....

8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes that you draw strength and inspiration from ?

Joseph, Job , Jesus/ Is Chuah

9) To you, what is godly living? and successful  living as a Christian and Child of God ?

Serve and serve some more with a kind heart and the mind of Christ 

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God , what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today , doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their calling ?

Trust God and do what he says : there are no other ways except his , if you want to succeed in this life and in the next : take the pascalian oath /bet. Regardless of the outcome. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND HE IS OUR FOOD GORGEOUS EVEN IN FAMINE.


10 questions for an Apostle  (ANONYMOUS I)

1) How did you come to Christ and a personal relationship with Him?

My encounter with Christ came after a breakup. After that break up nothing seemed to make sense and I went to my aunt’s place in Geneva , Switzerland, who is a fervent christian lady and living under her roof. I had to go to church and bible study every sunday.. At first i was shocked and overwhelmed, then as days went by by I started liking it and one day the reacher preached in such a way a passage from ezekiel , that i wanted to fully read ezekiel, then reading Ezekiel, i wanted to read the whole bible to further and better my knowledge of the living god that created everything.

2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

Not right away, to be perfectly honest , though I gave my life to Christ  as Savior i still walked in my old ways….the difference did not come right away, I felt there was a need for a change , a change in what i read, what i listened to, the company i kept, the movies i watched, my diet, etc, to better and fully know GOD and his ways

3) How do you stay consistent serving the kingdom and body of Christ ?

It is not an EASY TASK. We are in a world which is full of temptations. But it is also not an excuse. Sometimes I am , sometimes I am not. I pray GOD to give me the grace because if i know something it is far from being easy

4) How ambitious would you be if you had to judge between 1 and 10 for the Kingdom ? 

I will be radical : I would say a man that would go deeper with GOD must be before everything humble. I would say it is radically opposite to ambition. I would say as a servant, one quality the servant must have is to be obedient . obedience is key. I would say 5, i am far from being perfect, so i ask God for his strength 

5) Do you believe in Kingdom business , kingdom placements , unions? 

I believe in God-ordained meetings. I believe that where two or three are gathered in the name of the Lord, the Lord is amongst them. And we have to remember that GOD loves to talk to his People, to His church, where there is unity GOD sends his blessings, he can not send his blessings where there is always fights, strife, division because GOD is a GOD OF ORDER.

6) For you the perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible for a godly and Kingdom ordained spouse is or would be :....... 

Ephesians 5:25-27 : A man should love his wife like his own flesh. The man has to sanctify his wife and 1 Peter 3: 6-7, : To deal carefully with their wives , a man who mistreats his wife will not have his prayers answered .Those verses though not explicit tell us implicitly how a righteous and godly man and God fearing man is very similar and alike the Virtuous Proverbs  31 Woman

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

True doctrine is a doctrine that does not stray away from the Truth. Today there are too many doctrines, therefore we should test the spirits and through the spirit of God. Sometimes we stray away from the  truth because we do not listen to the Holy Spirit's still small voice. The only true doctrine is the Word of God. How would we know the doctrine if we do not read the Word ofG, and how could we know the Word of God if we don't search the Scriptures . True Doctrine is taught by the Holy Spirit uttering and confirming the Word of God

8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes that you draw strength and inspiration from ?

Firstly, Mary, the mother of Jesus , her obedience is exemplary. She says: May it be done to me according to the will of God for I am the Lord’s Servant, so she did not question GOD , she was willing to obey in blind faith.

Secondly, father Abraham, he had to leave in blind faith, his country, his country  fellow men, his customs, his culture and he did not oppose GOD. And  when God tested his faith to sacrifice his son Issac , he did not question. So he is an example of an utter obedience unto the Lord and it is said his faith counted him as righteousness .

Third , Christ himself, for he is the Perfect example of love. And love is by definition the gift of oneself

9) To you, what is godly living and successful living as a Christian and Child of God ?

Godly living  is to obey the commandments of God every day of our lives. And if you fear GOD , you shall /have a successful life

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God , what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today , doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their God appointed calling ?

First of all I do not consider myself an APOSTLE. By definition an apostle is  a living witness of Christ in the flesh. Personally, I am still learning, and still growing in the faith and I am thankful. Do not neglect the reading of the Word, the Word is Life, the Word is healing. And Nowadays, many people, trust what their pastors say, the 

Social media posts,  do not ask the Word itself and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. For the Holy Spirit was given to us to lead us to all the Truth. 


10 questions for an Apostle 

Lady Hiera . Lyon. (6)

1) How did you come to Christ and a personal relationship with Him?

I was born and raised in a Lutheran setting, a missional community. 

I went to Primary and secondary schools. 

2) Was there a clear-cut difference between before and after Christ came into your life?

There has never been a before and after Christ. My life has always been tied to Christ. 

3) How do you stay consistent serving the kingdom and body of Christ ?

My lifestyle is all about serving Him, in daily life, in all my relationships. I try my best to manage them according to Christ's recommendations.

4) How ambitious would you be if you had to judge between 1 and 10 for the Kingdom ?


5) Do you believe in Kingdom business , kingdom placements , unions? 


6) For you the perfect complement of the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible for a godly and Kingdom-ordained spouse is:.......

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue

7) What is your definition of true doctrine?

Hmmm, I do not know about any "true Doctrine". 

8 )  Who are your 3 biblical personal heroes that you  draw strength and inspiration from ?

Jesus, Joseph, Daniel, Job.. 

Actually there are many more… 

9) To you, what is godly living and successful living as a Christian and Child of God ?'

Do not do to others what you do not wish others to do to you, Having faith (all the time) , (For) giving, being like children, being selfless

10) Being as shrewd and anointed an apostle and a very gifted servant of God , what would you advise to the greats of tomorrow as you are great today , doing their first baby steps in the faith or in honoring their God appointed calling ?

Keep God as your secret and powerful weapon in all you do. 


* Special thanks to :



Elder Isaac Carlson

Elder David Dalton



Lady Sion Nissi Beloved

Brother Mario 


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