NEW NATION CHURCH Sermon by Pastor Silas Leno Sunday November 27, 2022

 Sermon by Pastor Silas Leno


Sunday November 27, 2022




Theme : Hope after the ordeal and joy after the tears


cf. Revelation 5:5



Essential Concepts:


God on the throne > supremacy - strength - praise - honor - glory and strength through his Anointed - the lamb who takes away the sin of the world


The closed book

The open book

Book / seven seals (7)

Symbolism of the number 7

The only WORTHY to open the sealed book

The expression "loud voice" comes up 20 times in Apocalypse

Who is the mighty, loud-voiced Angel?


GABRIEL > THE HERALD OF GOD > The Mighty Messenger of God

After 400 years of silence, it is Gabriel with the "loud voice" who announces this news to Jean-prophet of the Revelations

Great good news goes through the Grand Messenger that is GABRIEL


Thus the coming of Christ is announced by himself


Note: the Seraphim are those who give the letter of expulsion from Eden to Adam and Eve


What does the lion of the Tribe of Judah mean?

Judah is the 4th son of Jacob

God is not ungrateful

God is not ungrateful and so the tribe of Judah

Having been faithful to God and to David in his battles for (7) years. 7: number of perfection.

God abundantly blessed and pardoned them. And to this day she is still highly honored and exalted

Joseph - Mary - Yeshua our lord came through this line to come forward to save us through the atonement of our sins on the cross and his promise of abundant New Life.



The Tribe of Judah triumphed

John wept a lot in this book of Revelations because before Christ the Redeemer no one is worthy to open the book of life.

The consoling old man is the symbol of the consoling angel who exhorts to erase his tears. Like the Holy Spirit who comforts in our tribulations and sorrows and host of disappointments.

The open book

 the 24 elders by mutual agreement went to prostrate themselves on their knees to venerate the One who brings the Good News & the Redemption.

Cf. ECCLESIASTES 3 to 8 > the time of the seasons.

The days of sadness are over - your days of happiness are here the days of success and achievement and victory.


Final exhortation


"Stop Crying"

I urge you to pray. Don't give up your secret place. The hardest times are the last of our long trials. You are already delivered - raised - upright.


Pray in a secret place.

The Bible tells us: we will know them by their fruits. Consider that what you are praying for is already resolved.


Pray in simplicity in THE SECRET PLACE


In their native language if necessary. Merely . But sincerely - without any affectation.


IT IS the world that ends but Jesus will not end - THE CHURCH will never end - doctrines come and go but the pure doctrine of the gospel is eternal


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