Seven blessings 7

Seven blessings 7


(An intercessory essay)


Monday, 3.6.23




Tate# 15


For the last 3 years,

The evil elites were talking about

 The Great Reset.

They were right,

It's coming.

But it will not work in their favor.

The Great Reset begins the day I am released from jail.

- Tate


Entry 1

We obviously live in a seriously cruel world 

If you do not steel and bulletproof your foundation 


Or your nerves ,


if not you would melt under the sickly and deliberately applied pressure  in quests of cheap thrills,  grimy control and gruesome domination . An illegitimate will to power that has Hubris and pathological heresy written all over it.


Entry 2nd

Like Nietzsche said : weaklings pretend to be a force of good because they do not possess claws. First give them claws and the upper hand and see if they shall behave the same. 


 Obedience or law abiding honor is something that some were handed having had no other choice . Give them power to get away and a mask and see if they still respect the laws . It is sad to see the human drama play over and over again unchanged. 


Entry 3 rd


Deep down most men,  human beings, as they are called are not interested in the highest good, justice. Fairness, or happiness etc the truth is darker : they want to become as powerful or more than the things or masters of old that impressed upon them suppression and oppression and do the same to other victims, to "pay back" sort to say.  

Entry 4 th

In that there is no quest for novel ends,  peace, happiness, Justice or anything , just dark lust of brutish power and a thirst for poseurship 


Cf. Stanley Milgram experiment : as long as no one knows , I shall choose if proposed the greater of the 2 evils and if there is another greater evil : that one .


This is unfortunately,  alas,  a constant human mindset but we sugar coat it with justice for all, happiness, development etc .


The bitter truth is that when offered the choice to be the worst, most human beings will choose to.


Entry 5th

Greatness is to look inside that truth and not let it change one, in one’s depths or core and still practice a firm form of virtue, expecting nothing from it but the fact. At worse , expecting fierce persecution from a rotten and misconstrued, misled, hateful mass of so called human.beings that have noticed and have nothing human ....the persecution is the Aftermath of the realization that they can not  live without their lies being exposed by the humble attempts of a sincere seeker of Justice, light and righteousness,  a sun in a desert , a bright sun in a dry land , a sun exposing vultures enjoying rotten carcasses festering foul….in the sunken dusk of consciousness ….


Entry 6th

Despite all one can say against Tate and the Tate Brothers in general, they at least walk their talk they have big mouths but what they say, most of the time relevant is blacked by pristine, solid, verifiable fact and action.


The case herein is a question to all freedom fighters and those who stand as bastions of free speech and free thought in the fairness of the most accomplished tenets of civilisation .


To jail a man under the pretense of his misogynistic outlook on human relations is as dangerous and nefarious as condemning someone to capital execution for simply being vegan or carnivorous. What has become the heritage of the  inalienable human rights of the person/


Entry 7th 

Wickedness in high places suddenly takes a more ominous and palpable texture/.


Entry 8 th a

So what is the great reset?


The times, as the Great Motivator that has won rightfully so many masculine hearts to the Eternally Noble cause of providing, protecting, leading and overcoming one’s lower instincts to embody one’s best version, says : the great reset era is that of the have yachts and the have nots, the have jets and the have debts?


The irreconcilable divide between the working class and the upper class, not conceivable an in between, a gigantic void of cruel oblivion for the brave slaving away their lives…to what end?


Any human being of a sensible fiber would righteously and rightfully , directly concerned or not , would surely feel infuriated…by this statu quo.


Entry 8  th b

That was the sole mistake of Sir Tate . Wake us up. Shake us up from our dogmatic little comforts, cozy blinders, but as it goes, no good act will go unpunished and those in power made sure of that state of affairs


Entry 9th


(The Great Commission & The Aftermath )


On the question of free speech, where are we in 2023? 


Is free speech still truly FREE?

Has it ever been?

What changed?


First,  cancel culture, an updated version of censorship, the old method of silencing the free thinkers , to demoralize or make them seem crazy, since the womb of times, the names of the following giants are a great reminder of the excruciating systematic oppression and banishment conveyed upon their terrestrial pilgrimage and appointment :


John the Baptist, Yeshua, the Christ, Diogene, the Cynic, Appolonius of Tyana , the Stoics, countless prophets, the geniuses, Galileo, Giordano Bruno, Nikola Tesla , Joan of Arc , Hypathia, the first Einstein, etc….


When cruel rulers are in power , we all struggle, silently perhaps, but surely. As the great Benjamin Franklin said it so well somewhere (one paraphrases) :


"Either we hang together to face the great woes of our times or we surely would hang separately defeated by the common enemy * , which is greed."


Entry 10th

Greed in power, greed of self, greed to secure our own little comforts and little safety nets, etc, the boat is sinking , we can jump in due time and save what might still be savable and jump ship to jumpstart a new paradigm of societal project: fairer, more inclusive for all and far less barbaric and draconian, especially for the unrightful downcasted and made fringe dwellers.


Let's see what is essentially the message that this man conveys to the extent they want to make a public martyr of : Andrew Tate,  essentially consistently conveys and exhorts :


  • be a man of honor for a man of honor honors his duties regardless of personal feeling.


  • be prosperous to provide and protect your loved ones,


  •  be fit so you can be in your best shape to face the challenges of life with mettle and grit.    


  • Happiness is a byproduct of Honoring your duties to Self , but first to God .


  • Life is unfair , be tough. Make sure to stay tough 


  • Be a professional in all you do and excel 


In what ways is this message foul ? 


If anything,  to react ghoulishly towards such a message is a great Red Flag? To what do you give credence then ?


Be weak , be spiritually numb , be economically strained, morally sketchy, be a coward and flee from your duties , be an acquiescing slave that says yes to the most humiliating treatment from the most gross to the subtlest forms of disenfranchisement,


Be lazy and bitter , envying those who do the work , undergo the painful process of uncertain transformation towards greatness and rightfully reap the benefits, harvests and rewards ?


Entry 11 th


That is foul


So we live now in a world of inverted values . And the strongest of us have been knowing this since some time already as the witty and sharp eyed Nietzsche could foresee but was deliberately misunderstood as Tate and other Justice For All Fighters are now being deliberately misconstrued. 


The message is clear, but it is by design japed, twisted , truncated, made wishy washy,  weaponized against itself .


 As great a King, a healer, a high Priest, à diplomat,  a leader , a Savior and liberator was taunted once by powers in place that felt threatened by his mere presence in the world 


"The light walked into the world and the darkness acknowledged it not "


The Scriptures holy tell us . Despite the Very Fact the light wants to illuminate us ALL, most fight it with nails and beaks to stay in their comfortable slavery.


For freedom, that Light gives is utmost Uncomfortable, at best , excruciatingly painful for the systems that are the flesh and the world  . Other interchangeable names for what is by mainstream acknowledged as the Matrix


Old beliefs and old computational personal and communal systems that" worked just fine" coming all at once crashing down, creating much cognitive dissonance.  



One must make uncertainty his Newfound Dwelling . One must systematically eradicate and fight all weaknesses within and without ,  unceasingly & unwaveringly, accepting to be exposed in the shortcomings owning them and in the greatness Exerted,  humbled and made nobler by the purifying light that sets free . 




Entry 12 th

If the Great commission is our mission regardless of creed, race, belief , then we are witnessing through the Tate Brothers' affair , the very mechanism that the great Apostle Paul warned us in Ephesians 6:12 about the opposition of powers and principalities opposing the righteous and the just on every turn 


It reads:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


And we also know :


And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  John 3:19


Entry 13th


But we have hope that light at the end has triumphed. We know that the light of lights here and now, regardless of how things may seem to our eyes, reason, senses has triumphed from.the beginning till now till the very ends of the times and beyond 


We root for the Tate Brothers in unison in their battle  for fairer a world . We, herein,  intercede for them and all the freedom fighters known and unknown who seek the Face of Righteousness in truth, spirit, action, deeds and desires . 


The Intercessor 




*We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.


Benjamin Franklin



 Sunday March 5.2023 / Mon.06.03.23. 03:06 AM

Finished : Wednesday March 8.3.23


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