

Mind (I) MER

Body (II) KA

Soul (III) BA


Spirit (IV) > [ (TA)]

"MER- KA- BA "[ TA]



           Our Merkaba our inner church

Inerr tar that gives glory to you

Guard the Holy secret place

Where Angelic visitations are secretly and.  mysteriously weaved.

 Honor the holy touch.


              Mind. (I) Mind in this plane is all. Mens  . Alea jacta est. Literally. Energetic blueprints interact and in the intersection reality 7 seconds at a holographic diffracted time is made,better say manufactured with & without conscious consent. Cf Chomsky.  Asically keep : protect your mind, protect temple and seat of.ALL MIND / TOTALIS MENS 




Power soaked 


 Body (II)


     The cybernetic support in 3 D

A sacred temple 

The Masters of Opd

CAKED it soma/ sema

Or the Perishable temple of clay

Not out of spite

Bit of wise remembrance 

That this  but a temporary tool, abode, suit, identity 

It was all made up to experience a truth, the truth 

Without filters nor shades

Whitman would say 

Yes I  contra-dict my‐self

So what ?


Am I not Embodying 

The fundamentals of the Duel Game 

Of this herein experience whatever the hoot that is. 


My Body is as sacred because it is God given


That I must as best to nurture it keep it  strong , flexible, be able under will or strenuous effort that it can go its own beyond the regular limits with discipline and Godly guidance to do the perfect work from the Throne assigned to fill the Great Bridge of the Great Commission in every situation , computation and condition, Commotion And Dispensation. 




 SOL-AR . Golden Sun.  Without SOUL,  which is Pure Golden Body and Vision , all perishes. My people perish for lack of Knowledge.  Of Vision. Living water that quenches the thirsty soul yearning for clean oxygen over yonder.  That UNIK UBIK 







                Soul…...the seat of Brahma/ Atman .

The Rgveda, the Sacred Texts, Monotheistic Creeds and Lores, Gnostic and non aligned to.the official religious schools, canons  & doctrines but believed thoroughly all beyond any gap that there was a savior, a redeeming Savior who.split Time (s) in two


         There was a before  and an ever after and in between was his life and ministry,  testimony to all that were willing to believe in Him and the message he sent forth through his lived cross/ life & impeccable ministry (5 folded); [Cf John 3:66, & "The Lord, the Word & the Sword, 2019] , the constant reminders of the Kingdom at hand, the imperious need of Repentance, Kingship,  kingdom leadership Vision , kingdom wealth & provision, divine signs and wonders, healing of the soul and the mind through the Body , the Holy Ghost  indwelling


Indwelling of God's guidance within Self & humility to the Heavenly Prince's command,  regardless of personal feelings and concerns. 


The author and the aspect of the Soul we , herein want to consciously focus on is the Christ Hidden Within to unleash that soul power through the active magnetic quality of incremental faith and diligent zeal in inwards and outwards conduct for the glory of the Anointed One.


Soul is power especially when well stewarded, guided, nurtured. Some say Amrita .

Some say Soma, some say Living Waters, some say the manna, others the bread of Life, others the milk of Eternity, other Heavenly seekers :  the grace of Ma'at,  others again : the blessed bowels of the Ancestors . Regardless,  you will know the state when you reach it for the Favor is obvious.... of peace,  of harmony and all its byproducts thereof & therein.


Spirit (IV)


Everything is SPIRIT* . Not Mind. Mind IS but a stage, an intermediate level mediating the bridges . The subtler plane is the plane of God- Mind / God Spirit in different expressions and variations, autonomous variations.


Enmeshed yet separate, monadic built in idiosyncrasies. Solo Pars.  Propter hoc pro toto pars. Sic Parvis magna.


Thus the all encompassing pervading spirit of richness of life evermore and truth said in Loveland  in love & over conquering kindness and Ruth speaks through all, moves through all , hidden & revealed for the one that beholds in sacred attention the emanation of his encrypted dance.


 A breach between time & space opens and the chosen seer of the chosen V.I.S.I.O.N sees and perps through the keyhole of eternity an image that hides through a light blinding,  a million of others-  interstice of time that seems : Eons of an alternative eternity. Gloriam Divinam Sub specie 


A little note


*SPIRIT. Means herein the All powerful , all active, all.magnetic and All Pervading substance that inhabits all movement of life that certifies : " O BIOS EN KINESIS ESTI'' or mobile  , the alpha and the omega, the epha and the talent ,the grain of salt and the sea,  the without beginning nor end yet present here and now,  ever accessible for who listens and wants/ yearns diligently his redeeming and soothing presence in awaiting evereadiness …


Tuesday 21.6.23








To the glory of the Most High all praises perpetually to the most powerful king of the Universe AHAYAH.  Hail the King . All that lives proclaim HIS glory upon all things that was, that us that will be 


Ad majorem DEI gloriam 





Guide for a Young Prince 


Poe or Longfellow

Bjork or Sade

Prince ir Michael

Hesse or Mann

Schopenhauer on Hegel

Nietzsche or Kierkegaard

Marlowe or Shakespeare 

Words worth or Shelly

Jung or Freud

Dostoievski or Tolstoy 

War & Peace or the Idiot

The Art of War or The I Ching

Either or ....or Genealogy of Morals 


Goethe or Hugo

Voltaire or Kant

Leibniz or Newton 

Einstein or Bohr

Von Neumann or Nash

Stravinski or Schoenberg 

Theory of Fractals or M Theory 

Smorgasbörd or fjord

Hygge or bacchic orgiac trance

Eros or Sophia

AI Or Nature Raw , unfiltered 

Man Machine or Man Man/ heading towards 



Dual options opting for a third : open 


Open Source 3.0


Welcome in the Ternary 


The Yearnings in the Morning after many sleepless a night

Are unfortunately 

The price 

Sometimes to pay 


(And after do so

Fix your hairdo

Adjust the tuxedo

It is the Diplomacy 

In Jalapeno red

Lord Almighty 

Have mercy)


Pay it no more mind

And enjoy the show

Real harasho


Children frolicking 

Mothers super caring 

Beautiful Devi expression 

No commotion

The continent to be built 

Is being built 

Overseen by Holy GHOST .O.S


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