Woman Projekt 2.0

The Positive Woman Projekt 2.0



[Positivity somehow 2]


Sun. 8.10.23




Dear God, we are excited to use our spiritual gifts for Your good works. Please lead us through the darkest areas so that we can shine for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Part I



She is precious because she is rare

Who can a righteous woman find says Proverbs


She exists. Though she seems really not to exist - she does. She is the Proverbs 31 woman. A noble hearted lady-meek but determined to defend mightily what is rightly hers.


Make no mistake. The whole package

Beauty. Class. High work ethic. High moral excellence. Diligence. Kindness. Fear & admonition of the Lord first and foremost.


Where could one find

HER- one may ask and with conviction and relevance


Voltaire had his Proverbs 31 woman and her name was Emilie Du Chateley. He was lucky.


Whom have found a godly wife has found a blessing from on high- says the Holy Book


We sense as in all things of Greatness and Privilege - it is given - not got-ten.





“Positive woman

Where are you

In a world of thieves

Snobbish High horse








Ill minded


I'll want



Rebuking Dharma and sound reason

Where are you hiding?”


"Would we weep for the troubadours of our ages?

Because the Filth not men but in men - women - mothers of life playing now with things of Death proudly. Confession of a living witness. "


Part II


"The Poets? 


Do you remember them? They still exist, you know. Where are they gonna test their rhymes except calm places such as parks. "


Who is the Poet? And what is He going to sing about?


Sometimes it's (the apparent loss of a prized item) a pretext to find other things..


Inspirational verses from PROVERBS 


  Proverbs 24:13


  My son, eat honey, for it is good; A honeycomb will be sweet to your palate.


  Proverbs 24:14


  Likewise, know wisdom for your soul; If you find it, there is a future, And your hope will not be destroyed.


  ✞ Short prayer:

May I taste sweet words by obeying each day the sweet Whispers of the Holy Ghost 


“They are in greater numbers and in greater demand – so let them go get f×××××tre”


The Goddesses notwithstanding, always be honored.


In a world where the Proverbs 31 woman has unfortunately been unknowingly corrupted by the world and its systems - the Proverbs 31 Woman has become by default a Proverbs 30 1/2 Woman so to speak and it is not up to us to judge her.


She learned fraud - forgery and the use of forgery - lying - ARROGANCE - inflaming the ego and believing that her grievances are orders. And in the most extreme cases - an art of manipulation and cruelty without equal.


The Positive Woman following all this devastation is the one who says hello with a smile or who responds to a customer or passerby without a non-friendly or falsely superior appearance to start with the basics and who is in no way a bit disrespectful towards others or strangers on the street or in more socially codified environments.


Afterwards, the more positive woman strives to improve herself every day in the same way as the positive man - both have experienced the horrors of a tempestuous and deceitful - deceptive and petty world.


Part III




She tries to inspire as much as possible towards the positive....she is to be praised because the task is doubly difficult - in the middle of sour and acidic sisters whose texture and foundation and the fundamental credo is negativity itself - bitter until at death - having the death drive screwed into the soul - existing to destroy and demoralize - ruin spiritually and therefore on all other levels consequently affiliated.....


The super positive woman is often labeled a hypocrite because she does not conform to the stupidities of her misguided and bitter sisters - she is called "holier than thou" out of envy and pure jealousy


Misery likes company or likes to invite itself into excellent company




In a world where standards are as numerous and varied as the beings themselves, it is infinitely useless to measure and categorize the seriousness of each of our transgressions.....


As the gospel says somewhere: “let he who has never sinned cast the first stone.”


So hypocrites readers we will leave the judgment to you


Long live positivity - positive i.e. - the Positive Woman, the positive man and the Eternal positive spirit. Here below a constant effort - a constant tending towards. The perfect ideal...


Ad majorem divina positivitas gloriam








Evening reflection




We conclude this month with a reading from the Gospel according to John. 


In today's reading, Jesus uses the images of the shepherd, the gate, and the sheep to describe the relationship between himself and his disciples


The sheep knows the voice of the shepherd and follows him. Unlike a thief who comes only to steal, kill , destroy, the Lord of Peace comes to comfort from our slightest worry to our most heart wrenching pain to soothe with his peace passes all understanding. 


Praises to Ahayah perpetually 



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